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搜尋參考資料: 1. Urban Dictionary: vago in Mexico a VAGO is a person who does not do anything in the entire day. He does not have a work, he does not go to the school, he just is walking on the ... 2. Vago - Spanish to English Translation | Spanish Central Translation of vago at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. 3. vago en inglés - SpanishDict Es difícil trabajar con gente vaga.It is difficult to work with lazy people. 2. (imprecise). a. vague. No me resulta nada útil esa vaga explicación.That vague ... 4. vago - Wiktionary vago m (feminine vaga, masculine plural vaghi, feminine plural vaghe) ... present active vagō, present infinitive vagāre, perfect active vagāvī (no passive). 5. Mezcal Vago At Vago, we believe in walking away from the beaten path, losing ourselves in the hills, and searching out the extraordinary. We seek out small batch ... 6.【VAGO&ANDY】名媛最愛尖頭亮彩跟鞋(紅)~momo特價網 【VAGO&ANDY】名媛最愛尖頭亮彩跟鞋(紅),跟鞋,包鞋 款式特搜,平價流行女鞋,鞋包錶 |
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